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Update from our Head of School - May 5, 2023

Dear Students and Families,

The end of school is fast approaching and what a year it has been! We’ve celebrated together, we’ve cried together, and we’ve learned together. The most important part of this statement is that we were TOGETHER! Our Truxton Academy TEAM is strong and I couldn’t be more proud of our Board of Trustees TEAM, our TEAM of teachers and school staff, our community TEAM, and our TEAM of students. Speaking of our TEAM of teachers-did you know that during the month of May we celebrate Teacher Appreciation? Please feel free to reach out to your student’s teachers and thank them for all their hard work. We will be celebrating them all next week!

Please feel free to send me an email with your thoughts or attend the Coffee with Kerryanne sessions below to discuss questions or concerns.

Mrs. S.

Upcoming Dates

Month of May MAP Testing-Grades K-5

May 8-9 NYS Math Tests Grades 3-5

May 10 Garden Work Party 3:15pm

May 10-11 NYS Math Tests Grades 3-5 makeup

May 8 Coffee with Kerryanne 10-11am

May 8 Coffee with Kerryanne 5:30-6:30pm

May 8 Truxton Academy Board of Trustees Meeting 7pm

May 12 Muffins with Moms 9am

May 26 Student of the Month Celebration and Breakfast 8:50am

May 29 No School - Memorial Day

Updates for the Classrooms:


This week in kindergarten we:

*Learned about key natural resources, and described how people used them

*Recognized the recycling symbol and learned that recycled materials are made from items that have already been used and otherwise would have been garbage

*Practiced spelling double letter consonant words

*Used adding notation to represent the teen numbers as 10 plus some number of ones

*Picked a song and dance for our performance at the graduation ceremony :)

Second Grade

Ask your Second Grader about...

-how their bean and corn seeds germinated,

-planting their germinated seeds,

-comparing 3 and 4 digit numbers using greater than, less than or equal to symbols,

-representing 3 digit numbers using expanded form,

-writing their own number stories that equal 100,

-reading about Rosie Quinn and Coming Up Rosies,

-the meaning of idioms they learned like "two peas in a pod" and "break a leg,"

-answering their Read and Thinks with key details from the text,

-using part of their Read and Think questions in their answers,

-our mealworm, pupa and darkling beetles life cycle stages,

-the importance of being polite and using our manners!

Third Grade

This week in Third grade we:

*learned the Dropping Rule (when a word ends in a silent e and you want to add a vowel suffix you need to drop the e and then add the suffix)

*finished up our biography written reports and our bottle people (check out the building part pictures on facebook- more pictures of finished products to follow!)

*worked with fractions, rounding, expanded notation, and 2 step word problems

*read the first half of the realistic fiction story "Susie the Soccer Star" and answered comprehension questions, discussed character traits of our main character, explored vocab, and found different parts of speech within the story.

*made a new plan to help keep our whole class caught up on our work and moving forward as 3rd grade learners

Fourth Grade

4th Grade is in its last few days of Math Review in anticipation of our State Testing early next week.

Items Covered Geometry

Place Value Symmetry

Multiplication Conversions utilizing time (Days, Hours, Weeks, Time)

Division Using Protractors to determine angles

Fractions Obtuse, Acute, Area of a triangle

Adding Fractions Subtracting Fractions

Multiplication of Fraction Division of Fractions

Word Problems Mixed Number Fractions

We will conclude our study preparation with a discussion on test taking strategies.

Fifth Grade

5th grade has been working on plotting stories through old time radio shows, reviewing for NYS math exam with mul/dividing fractions and decimals. We are learning about what changes matter and whether it is physical or chemical changes and learning about elements on the periodic table.

5th grade has been working on plotting stories through old time radio shows, reviewing for NYS math exam with mul/dividing fractions and decimals. We are learning about what changes matter and whether it is physical or chemical changes and learning about elements on the periodic table.


In PE we had fun learning and practicing our bowling skills!

Thank you to all the families who came to Family Bowling Night! It was fun and great to see kids putting skills learned in class to use!

In STEM this week we worked on Earth Day Math Challenges!


In Spanish we have been reviewing animals, weather and places and have been reading stories about a grandma, abuela, and a snake, serpiente. We have also been doing lots of singing and movement.


Rural Life Lab students started garden beds, learned about keeping honey bees, and released more trout this week!

We hope to see you at our garden work party after school on May 10th!

Songs to practice for the Musical

Grades K-5:

Oh the Thinks you can Think!

Green Eggs and Ham

Oh the thinks you can think (finale)

Grade 2:

Horton sits on the egg/Dilemma

Grade 3:

Here on Who

Grade 4 and 5:

Monkey Around/Chasing the Whos


“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” -Albert Einstein

Kerryanne Schenck Head of School Truxton Academy Charter School pronouns: she, her, hers

Office: (607) 842-6252 Ext. 109 Cell: (607) 218-2268

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