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Update from our Head of School - June 11, 2021


What a beatiful day we had for field day today! Our students had so much fun participating in the activities. We had pony rides, beach ball volleyball, a water bucket fill-up relay, water balloons, bubbles, and more. Kids even got to dunk Mrs. Boyden, Ms Jess, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Sara in the dunk tank! We had many parents and grandparents volunteer to help with activities today. Thank you to Mrs. Boyden for planning the activities, all of the volunteers who came to help out and make this fun day possible, and the teachers, staff, and students who also made the day so successful!

Our Kindergarten and First Grade students in Ms. Jess and Mrs. Francis' class got more things planted in our garden earlier this week. They planted watermelon, pumpkins, and squashes and checked on the potatoes, carrots, and onions we had previously planted in our garden. We need some volunteers to help weed the garden over the summer months so that we can harvest and use the food in our school cafeteria in the fall. If you are able to help with this, please contact Kathie Arnold at 607-842-6631 (leave a message if no answer).

Announcements End of the Year Celebration Picnic for Families: We will be having an end of the year cookout on Wednesday June 23rd. All Families are invited to eat with their child(ren), watch a short musical performance in our new pavilion. If you are joining us, we need you to RSVP and let us know how many people are coming. Please fill out this google form by Monday, June 14th to let us know if you will be joining your child for lunch on the 23rd and how many people to expect: We will have activities until about 2:30. Your child is welcome to stay the full day or leave with you at 2:30 if you attend. We are also asking that families send in either food or money to go towards food for this lunch. A separate sign up for food or monetary donations will be sent out next week once we know how many people to plan food for. Upcoming Dates: June 14th: Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting 7PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 6171 1210 Passcode: SSN9b7 June 16th: Kindergarten Graduation 6PM (All students and their families, including remote learners, are invited to this outdoor event.) June 23rd: End of the Year Celebration Picnic Lunch and Music Presentation 12PM (Please RSVP by Monday) Updates from the classrooms: Mrs. Francis' Class The Kindergarteners worked hard at their ELA stations this week! They listened to sounds to write CVC and CVCC words and then used stamps to write the words. They also practiced tricky short vowel "e" when we wrote a story about a pet hen. We read the book How I Met My Monster and then the kids wrote about what their monster would look like. I saw so many unique and scary monsters! We continue to practice adding and subtracting in math and using manipulatives and pictures to help us solve problems. In science we finished up our paper unit by decorating our paper mache bowls. We also had an extra fun Friday at Field Days! Ms. Jess' Class K/1 had a fun and busy week! We planted the rest of our garden with Kathie Arnold. Students planted pumpkins, watermelons, peppers, tomatoes and squash! The onions and potatoes we planted in our first round of planting are sprouting and the students were so excited to see the products of their hard work! In math we are reviewing subtraction strategies by playing games such as Five in a Row. We are also investigating coins further and learning about the people and places on coins and what they represent as well as their worth. In reading and phonics we are reviewing blends, digraphs, super silent magic e words. We are writing endings to silly stories and laughing so hard when we share out! In science we building our projects using light and sound to communicate an emotion. Field Day activities were a great way to end our fun week!! Ms. Smith's Class This week we tried our hardest to beat the heat! Spirit week has been a blast and it has been so cool seeing all the different outfits students have been wearing! It has been a crazy week since we have been focusing on assessments. Students have been working very well independently reading passages and answering questions from those passages! On Wednesday, we took our stories about, The Day the Ants Stole Our Picnic, and worked on our second draft! We learned that the caret symbol means we can add details, and double-check that all sentences have capitalization and punctuation! The students worked so hard making their stories even better! In Math, we are taking our end-of-the-year assessments! In Science, we completed our egg drop experiment! Our second round was definitely more successful than our first round! This helped us learn that, as engineers, we can always take what we have made and make it even better! Learning from our mistakes is sometimes the best way to learn! Our next unit will be focusing on the difference between chemical and physical reactions. This unit allows us to do some really cool experiments that the students have been asking for all year! On Friday we had a field day! It was so much fun spending the day outside and playing games! Ms. Sol's Class This week the 2nd/3rd graders started creating costumes for a play based on the book "We are Special" by Max Lucado. We also started painting our "castle" scenery. The boys are currently sewing their Robin hood's outfit and swords, and the girls are hand sewing their tunics. We also are currently working on making our crowns, and finishing other props for the play. We started rehearsing our three dances for the cook-out event on June 23rd, and we are going to start rehearsing the script. The students are also learning how to play chess, and/or perfecting their game. Mrs. Hull's Class Third graders had a fun and busy week as we prepare for the end of the school year. We finally taped our Chicken Little play and will premier the movie next week. We are also learning more about measuring temperature with a thermometer as we explore the properties of water during science time. This week we began writing letters to our future selves. We are thinking about our goals by the end of sixth grade and what we want our 6th grade selves to know about who we are now. We plan to finish this assignment next week and seal the letters until our sixth grade graduation. Phillips Free library is offering a book club for upcoming 4th graders. Please check out the video to learn more about it Students can participate by registering at We also enjoyed our field days and the warm weather this week. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend! PE P.E. students continued with their frisbee unit, focusing on the fundamental skills of throwing and putting the frisbee towards different targets. Gearing up for their end of the year assessment, students have been practicing and correcting, when needed, their locomotor movements. Spanish In K/1, kiddos learned and practiced a new poem to help us remember the different tiempos(weathers) we experience. They also started to pick up on the lyrics of our new song! We practiced talking about today’s weather using the question “Que tiempo hace hoy?” along with drawing and writing the answer! In second and third grade, students started to learn about lugares y transportación - places and transportation! We learned our words through a game of Pictionary and played a memory game to help us identify the words using the Spanish words and pictures. In virtual third grade, students continued to learn about insectos - insects! Students practiced through identifying the insecto from a handful pictures as well as through insecto bingo. Students also continue to practice their grammar by translating Spanish present tense simple sentences to English. Continúa con el buen trabajo!!! Music This week all grades practiced for our music performances which will happen at the End of Year Cookout. The students are very excited to show you what we have been up to in music classes on Wednesdays. They have been working hard on a few different musical activities, songs and silly games which will be showcased on June 23rd. I am looking forward to seeing you there! Looking for some musical activities for the summer time? Check out Carnegie Hall's activities for kids! The online resources feature music and culture from around the world performed by world class musicians. Check out our facebook page for pictures of the garden planting and Field Day in some upcoming posts. Thank you for your continued support of our school family! Have a great weekend! Thanks, Sara and the Truxton Academy Team

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