Happy Friday! We have been so excited to have some warmer weather and sunshine the last few days! Our students got outside quite a bit over the last two days to enjoy the nice weather while learning. Kindergartners went out for science, Senorita Jasmine took her Spanish classes outside, and lots of other teachers and students did lessons outside as well.
We are so proud of our 3rd grade students who were featured, along with a high school class from Marathon, in the Cortland Standard last weekend. (See Mrs. Hull's update below for the link. Additionally, some of our 3rd graders submitted stories to the Homer News and got them published! We have extra copies at the school if you want to pick up a copy and read them for yourself.
As we move out of Winter and into Spring, we are looking forward to spending even more learning time outdoors. We are also looking for input from parents to guide our planning for the rest of the school year. Ms. Petit-McClure sent out a survey on Thursday to get parent input. If you are a parent and have not already done the survey, please do so as soon as possible. You can find the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H6JDBFL
2021-2022 Application and Enrollment
We are currently in the midst of our open application period for the 2021-2022 school year. If you currently have students in the school, they will be automatically enrolled for next year. It is helpful for planning purposes, however, for us to know that you intend to have them return. A sheet for letting us know your intention was sent home last week. We would like this form back from all families. Please return it as soon as possible. Thank you to those families that have already returned it.
Additionally, all families who may need transportation for the upcoming school year must submit a transportation request for no later than April 1st, even if they are already receiving transportation this year.
If you know of any interested families, please encourage them to apply for their children to attend our school next year. Applications can be found at our website, www.truxtonacademy.org.
Ways to Help Our School
Amazon Smile is a division of amazon that donates a portion of sales from many items to a variety of charities and nonprofits. Truxton Academy is one of those nonprofits. If you are purchasing items from amazon, please go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and choose Truxton Academy as your charity of choice. Purchases you are making anyway will benefit our school. Parent Testimonials: If you are a parent, we would love to hear a testimonial from you about why you choose Truxton Academy or why you appreciate Truxton Academy for your child(ren)'s education! Please send a testimonial to sara.petitmcclure@truxtonacademy.org if you are willing to have it shared on our facebook page and/or website. Bottles and Can: Our partnership with T&T Redemption in Riverside Plaza is active! Spread the word that people can drop off bottles and cans, let them know it's for Truxton Academy Charter School, and we'll get the credit! Donations: Monetary donations are always welcomed through our website www.truxtonacademy.org. Just go to the website and click the Donate Now button if you want to make a contribution. Upcoming Dates: 3/14- Daylight Savings Time Begins at 2am: Don't forget to set your clocks 1 hour ahead 3/15- Staff Professional Development Day: No School for Students 3/29- 4/2- Spring Break- No School for staff or students Updates from the classrooms: Mrs. Francis' Class What a beautiful week! Kindergarten is learning about weather so we took advantage of the sunshine and the warm temperatures and headed outside for science class multiple times this week. We learned how a thermometer works and correlated the temperatures to descriptive weather words (hot, warm, cool, col, and the one we're hopefully done with-freezing) and also saw how the temperature rose and fell when we were standing in the sunshine versus when we were in the shade. We look forward to continue to head outside and learn more about different aspects of weather in the coming weeks. In math class we played two new cooperative games with partners, "Collect 15 Together" and "Build On". In both games the students use 10 frames and pennies to practice 1:1 correspondence, counting, and beginning to recognize and read addition sentences. We also got moving and practiced counting to 100 with a fun video. In ELA we worked on labelling our stories and writing sentences. We are getting more comfortable referencing the Word Wall for our sight words, common words, and our friends' names. Way to use those tools, Kindergarteners! We also read a variety of stories in our reading groups which went home with the kiddos midweek. If you haven't had a chance yet, ask your child to read these books to you. You'll be impressed by our little readers! Our 3rd grade PBL leaders continue to show great leadership, patience, and helpfulness when they work with the Kindergarteners on their fables. The Kindergarteners show great listening, perseverance, and respect. Great job to both groups! Lastly, we had some excitement in our classroom earlier in the week when Rosie, the bearded dragon, laid eggs!!! They are not fertilized so we talked about how we would not be having baby beardies (no boy bearded dragon in the tank and left it at that!). We compared these eggs to the chicken eggs you'd get in the store. We popped one and saw how the yolk is similar to a chicken egg as well. It was a very neat experience. Have a great long weekend! Ms. Jess' Class We had a generous week in K/1! We have been reading books and discussing all the ways we can show generosity. We challenged ourselves to make a list of 25 things we can be generous with such as love, kindness, ideas, knowledge, compliments and happiness. We continued our Storytime PBL with the third graders this week and identified the setting, characters, problem and solution of our stories. We also continued our work on super silent magic e words in our reading and writing. We are working on a writing piece titled "If I caught a leprechaun..." We started designing and building leprechaun traps this week! In math we started a new unit on measurement. Ms. Smith's Class This week in our class we have introduced our two new SUNY Cortland Practicum students who will be working with us virtually throughout this semester! Hello to Ms. Julia and Ms. Aleesia! In ELA, we have been working on how to be effective and proficient writers. We have been reviewing sight words and continuing to work on how to identify syllables. In Math, we are learning how to tell time to the nearest half-hour! In Science, we are continuing our unit on weather. Our class is really into tornadoes! Ms. Sol's Class Ms. Sol was out this week doing some teacher training. In the meantime, we had Ms. Kelly as our guest teacher and the students did some excellent learning. They had 2 visits from the SUNY Cortland Practicum students who are getting to know are students better. Ms. Kelly taught our students some new word and math games and since she is a music teacher, she did some music and rhythm activities with them as well. Thank you Ms. Kelly for a great week! Ms. Sol's class took a virtual field trip to learn about maple syrup production as well. Hopefully next year we can go in person so we get to also taste the syrup! Mrs. Hull's Class Third graders had a very exciting week as they welcomed some warmer weather and celebrated our debut in the Cortland Standard. If you missed the article, you may find it online at https://cortlandstandard.net/2021/03/07/kids-go-all-out-in-nys-beef-contest/ . Our focus on using project based learning allows students to make choices that guide their own learning and helps us to successfully take on challenges like the state wide Top Cut Beef Contest. In writing, several of our students submitted news articles on their pets, families, and best friends that will be published in the Homer News. Students suggested reaching out to other local news publications to find out if they would be willing to take student submissions. We will keep you updated on our progress. In reading, third graders are enjoying their new teaching role as they enter other classrooms to teach fables to younger students. In math, third graders are finding more challenging ways to think about area and perimeter. Have a great weekend and don't forget to set your clocks ahead! PE This week in PE we started our scooter unit and learned it takes a lot of strength and endurance to move on the scooters! Spanish This week in K/1 students began to learn about "las partes del cuerpo" - body parts! We played a game of dictionary to help students guess what each word meant in English and learning a few songs to help us remember our words like "Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies" and "Winter with Timbo and Friends!" In 2/3, students continued to learn their body parts in Spanish. We made our own monster by finding his body parts and dragging them on. We also made flashcards that will help us study our words on our own! As a reminder, we have a public facebook page where we share many pictures and stories of our students learning. Please check it out to see some of the wonderful work our teachers and students are doing every day! (https://www.facebook.com/truxtonacademy) Feel free to share our posts to spread the word about our school! Additionally, the PTO has a parent specific facebook group. If you are a parent and wish to join this group, you can find it at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/truxtonacademycharterschool We hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thank you for your continued support of our school! Thank you, Sara and the Truxton Academy Team