Happy Friday! We are looking forwards to Spring here at Truxton Academy. Although we cannot yet plant outside, we had some volunteers from 4-H come and do planting in cups with our students. All of our in-person learners planted microgreens which are healthy and nutritious, as well as fast growing. These plants should be ready in about 10-14 days and can be added to pizza, salads, sandwiches, and even smoothies. Students will be bringing the plants home along with some information and a recipe for a smoothie incorporating the greens.
Our 2nd and 3rd graders also had a visit from Kathie Arnold, a local dairy farmer from Twin Oaks Dairy. She read the book, "Tales of the Dairy Godmother: Chuck's Ice Cream Wish," by Viola Butler to the the students. Thanks to NYS Ag in the classroom, we now own this book for our school library. Thanks to Ms. Kathie for volunteering to be part of Ag Literacy Week and sharing this book with our students!
This past Monday, our staff had a professional development day. Our teachers learned about Project-Based Learning and ways to increase student engagement. As education professionals, we are continuing learning just like our students. This makes our learning community stronger.
Thank you to all parents who completed our recent survey. This information is helpful for us to make decisions that guide instruction.
2021-2022 Application and Enrollment We are currently in the midst of our open application period for the 2021-2022 school year. If you currently have students in the school, have a spot for next year. To know how many spots are open in our school for new incoming students, we need to know if you intend to have them return. Please return it as soon as possible. Thank you to those families that have already returned it.
Additionally, all families who may need transportation for the upcoming school year must submit a transportation request for no later than April 1st, even if they are already receiving transportation this year. School districts can deny transportation if the forms are not received in time.
If you know of any interested families, please encourage them to apply for their children to attend our school next year. Applications can be found at our website, www.truxtonacademy.org.
Note from the Office:
Yearbook ordering is in full swing. Please be sure to return the order form by April 9, 2021.
Ways to Help Our School
Amazon Smile is a division of amazon that donates a portion of sales from many items to a variety of charities and nonprofits. Truxton Academy is one of those nonprofits. If you are purchasing items from amazon, please go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and choose Truxton Academy as your charity of choice. Purchases you are making anyway will benefit our school.
Bottles and Can:
Our partnership with T&T Redemption in Riverside Plaza is active! Spread the word that people can drop off bottles and cans, let them know it's for Truxton Academy Charter School, and we'll get the credit!
Monetary donations are always welcomed through our website www.truxtonacademy.org. Just go to the website and click the Donate Now button if you want to make a contribution.
From the PTO
Thank you so much for all the help with our popcorn and coupon books fundraisers!
We raised close to $1500! This money will be used by teachers for supplies, educational subscriptions, and it should allow us to purchase the Truxton Academy gift t-shirts for all.
Thank you SO MUCH for your support!
Upcoming Dates:
3/29- 4/2- Spring Break- No School for staff or students
Updates from the classrooms:
Mrs. Francis' Class
It was a short but busy week in K! We created our characters and practiced our stories for our PBL project with the 3rd graders. We are excited to make the stories come alive next week! We also practiced writing CVC words, adding more words to our writing, and reading books both independently and in our small groups. In math we practiced counting how many dots we got when we rolled 2 dice. We recorded our answers and saw how some numbers came up more frequently than other numbers. We also worked in 1:1 correspondence with several different math games. In science the kindergarteners explored cause and effect when we saw how the temperature rose and fell when we measured the air temp in our classroom and then put the thermometer in cold water and then hot water. Lastly, we had 4-H come and plant microgreens with us. We will watch these grow next week and then send them home next Friday. Have a nice weekend!
Ms. Jess' Class
With our short week in K/1 we packed in a lot of learning! We celebrated Ag in the Classroom Week by reading books and learning about the 5 food groups, where our food comes from and the sheep sheering process that produces yarn. Students finished building and designing their Leprechaun Traps. The students were so surprised to come back to school Thursday to find a a gold coin in their traps left by the Leprechauns! We are finishing up our Storytime PBL with the third graders. Be on the lookout for a link to the videos they create telling the stories of the folk tales they read! In math we started learning how to tell time by the hour and continued our work on measuring length. The students finished up their Leprechaun writing that is displayed in our classroom. In phonics and reading we are identifying short and long vowel words. We also had our friends back from 4-H who planted microgreens with the students. The kiddos will be bringing their microgreens and some yummy recipes home next Friday!
Ms. Smith's Class
This week our class worked really hard on their writing pieces. We even wrote our own K-1 story titled, “The Eating Fest”. We also got really good at playing, "I have...Who has?", using our sight words. In honor of St. Patrick Day, we read, “The Leprechaun Who Lost His Rainbow.” After reading this story, we broke up into groups and each drew a part of the story. We focused on the characters, the setting, and what happened in the beginning middle, and end. There is a photo below! In Math, we are starting our measuring unit. This week we learned that the longest side of an object is called the length. Have you students go around the house and find the length of some items! Additionally, 4H came to do an awesome planting activity with us! Those will be sent home soon! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Ms. Sol's Class
Tuesday was my first day back from training. Our class did lots of community building activities like animal movements, human wheelbarrow races, and spelling words while jump roping.
We continued reading independently, writers workshops, read aloud, practiced writing their names in cursive and math/ movement activities for the 3's & 4's.
In Math we started: number dictation and number stories with addition and subtraction mental math.
In science, we created paper airplanes: tested both inside and outside to see how variable wind affected their planes depending on the wind direction and availability of wind. Thursday we had AG Literacy read aloud and ice cream activity and 3rd grade PBL collaboration activity. On Friday we had the SUNY Practicum students with us for ELA & Math in small groups. We continued with math & movement, writers workshop and jump rope spelling as well as other spelling games in teams.
Mrs. Hull's Class
This week in third grade, we had a visitor. Timothy Bennett, owner of the Cortland Voice, introduced himself to the third graders and challenged us with a writing assignment. Mr. Bennett asked that we think about who we are and what we do for our community. He will feature completed articles in his online publication, The Cortland Voice. Students are busily thinking and writing about this very important topic. We hope to have first drafts to Mr. Bennett next Thursday. In math, we are discovering the important rules of triangles and quadrilaterals. In science, we are researching simple machines and using the knowledge to design an obstacle course for our Hess Tow Trucks. Third graders are also hard at work wrapping up their story telling PBL with the other classes. We recently completed our production with Ms. Sol's class. You may find it on our school's YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/noVCGg7ONvc Please take the time to check out our fables brought to life. Like and comment to let us know that you watched the production. Have a great weekend! PE We continued our scooter unit in PE this week! We are getting stronger and faster on them! Spanish In Spanish, K/1 is creating their own class monster. As a class, students will decide what body parts they want their body parts, and where they go. We will continue to learn and practice "Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, y Pies"! In 2/3, students are creating their own flashcards to help them practice their vocabulary at home! As a reminder, we have a public facebook page where we share many pictures and stories of our students learning. Please check it out to see some of the wonderful work our teachers and students are doing every day! (https://www.facebook.com/truxtonacademy) Feel free to share our posts to spread the word about our school! Additionally, the PTO has a parent specific facebook group. If you are a parent and wish to join this group, you can find it at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/truxtonacademycharterschool We hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thank you for your continued support of our school! Thank you, Sara and the Truxton Academy Team