Hello Families and Supporters,
Happy Friday! What a wonderful week of Spring weather we had this week. Our students spent a lot of time outside as we took advantage of the great weather. Teachers taught English language arts lessons outside as well as science lessons. Students looked for signs of Spring and found some great ones.
In All School Meeting this week we talked about Spring and the Spring Equinox. Our students learned that equinox comes from the word equal. We learned that this day (in the fall and the spring) is called the equinox because on this date, most parts of the world have almost equal amounts of daylight and darkness. They also shared about activities they like to do in the Spring.
Hopefully we'll see even more signs of Spring in the next week when we are all on Spring Break.
Schedule Change
As parents are aware, we have made a change to our weekly schedule beginning on April 5th. In-person students will now be joining on Wednesdays for a modified classroom schedule from 8:30- 12:00 and an optional enrichment program from 12:00- 3:30. Thank you to all the families for communicating your choice for your child.
If you are choosing to send your child to the optional enrichment program, please send them with a lunch or sign up for a bagged lunch. The meal sign up form should be coming home with your child today.
2021-2022 Application and Enrollment
We are currently in the midst of our open application period for the 2021-2022 school year. If you currently have students in the school, have a spot for next year. To know how many spots are open in our school for new incoming students, we need to know if you intend to have them return. Please return it as soon as possible. Thank you to those families that have already returned it.
Additionally, all families who may need transportation for the upcoming school year must submit a transportation request for no later than April 1st, even if they are already receiving transportation this year. If you have not done so, please send your transportation request directly to your child's home district of residence. School districts can deny transportation if the forms are not received in time.
If you know of any interested families, please encourage them to apply for their children to attend our school next year. Applications can be found at our website, www.truxtonacademy.org.
Note from the Office:
Yearbook ordering is in full swing. Please be sure to return the order form by April 9, 2021.
Ways to Help Our School
Amazon Amazon Smile is a division of amazon that donates a portion of sales from many items to a variety of charities and nonprofits. Truxton Academy is one of those nonprofits. If you are purchasing items from amazon, please go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and choose Truxton Academy as your charity of choice. Purchases you are making anyway will benefit our school. Bottles and Can: Our partnership with T&T Redemption in Riverside Plaza is active! Spread the word that people can drop off bottles and cans, let them know it's for Truxton Academy Charter School, and we'll get the credit! Donations: Monetary donations are always welcomed through our website www.truxtonacademy.org. To make a monetary donation, go to our website and click the Donate Now button if you want to make a contribution. Upcoming Dates: 3/29- 4/2- Spring Break- No School for staff or students 4/5- Return to School from Spring Break 4/8- PTO Meeting 5:30PM Updates from the classrooms: Mrs. Francis' Class This week the Kindergarteners did a literature study of "Mrs. Wishy Washy" by Joy Cowley. We read the book many times and became very familiar with the text. We wrote about the setting, characters, the problem solution, and then retold the story. The kids joined in the reading and practiced bringing the story alive using expression and action. This prepped us for recording our fables we have been studying with the 3rd graders. We had fun working with the older kids and got more practice performing and bringing stories to life. Great job to all kiddos in both grades! We also practiced presenting when we wrapped up our last Wednesday project, A Family Interview. It was a blast from the past as we heard presentations about siblings, parents, and grandparents. The students interviewed a member of their family and learned how life was the same and different for their interviewee at 5 or 6 years old as it is for our Kindergarteners. In math we practiced recording, tallying, and interpreting data using a Question of the Day (our class is evenly split on preferring showers and baths). In science we wrapped up our unit on weather. We headed outside with our windsock and thermometer multiple days this week and recorded the temperature, wind direction, and wind speed at several spots in our schoolyard. We also looked at our weather calendar for the entire month of March and recorded data on what our weather was like each day. Results say we had a beautiful, sunny March, yay!!! Fingers crossed this continues through Spring Break and into April. Have a wonderful, relaxing, fun, sunny Spring Break 🌞 Ms. Jess' Class In K/1 this week we wrapped up our phonics unit on silent e words, our math unit on measurement and our storytime projects with the third graders. We enjoyed a lot of outside learning time! In science we made rain clouds in a jar. We completed our third semester math and reading assessments. It was a joy to see the Family Interview Presentations and witness the discussions about the similarities and differences between the students, parents and grandparents rights, responsibilities and schooling! Have a wonderful break! Ms. Smith's Class This week we did assessments and reviewed our digraphs and long vowel words! We acted out a play in the 3rd-grade classroom with Ms. Hall using different stories that emphasized the moral of a story! In Math, we continued to measure and compare objects throughout our classroom. In Science, we learned about the wind and made our own windsocks. When the sun was out we had a great time running around with the wind. Ms. Sol's Class This week passed by in a flash. We have been spending more time outdoors for independent reading, read-alouds, writing and math. On Monday we had the SUNY Practicum students play jeopardy style math games for the 2nd and 3rd graders. They really enjoyed the math games. We also did bean bag tossing while counting by 1's 2's 3's 4's 5's 10's 100's . On Thursday and Friday we did the MAP testing during most of the morning. On Thursday afternoon we did finger knitting with Phoenix's grandmother outside in the gazebo. Thanks to Ms. Rickie for coming in to help us with this. We continued practice on Friday. Mrs. Hull's Class Third graders are busy enjoying the warmer weather as we wrap up projects in preparation for Spring Break. This week, we end our Story Time project with live and taped performances of our fables. We complete our research into simple machines by designing an obstacle course for our Hess Tow Trucks. We present our articles about ourselves to Mr. Timothy Bennett, owner of the Cortland Voice. We complete our third quarter math and reading assessments. We find ways to relax, be more mindful, and enjoy our school. Have a great weekend. PE This week we had fun with Mrs. Boyden before the baby comes as well as introducing Ms. Ashley to our routines and procedures during PE Class. On Thursday and Friday Ms. Ashley took over as Mrs. Boyden prepares for the arrival of her baby. The PE students of the month for March were: Harley Smith- Mrs. Francis' Class Dallis Sutton- Ms. Jess' Class Mathew Gonzalez- Ms. Smith's Class Ava Parker- Ms. Sol's Class Lennox Eastman- Mrs. Hull's Class Congratulations for your hard work kiddos! Spanish This week in K/1, students went from creating a class monster last week to creating their own monster to learn about body parts in Spanish! We played a dice game to help us decide what parts we will glue to our monster's cuerpo (body)! In 2/3, students finished up learning about their body parts and got the chance to choose what they wanted to learn about next! Virtual 2/3 chose "Places and Transportation." Mrs. Hull's in-person students chose "Food and Drink!" Ms. Sol's in-person class chose to learn about "Insects!" As a reminder, we have a public facebook page where we share many pictures and stories of our students learning. Please check it out to see some of the wonderful work our teachers and students are doing every day! (https://www.facebook.com/truxtonacademy) Feel free to share our posts to spread the word about our school! Additionally, the PTO has a parent specific facebook group. If you are a parent and wish to join this group, you can find it at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/truxtonacademycharterschool We hope you all have a wonderful week as our students and teachers take a well deserved break from school. Keep your fingers crossed for nice weather so we can all get outside and enjoy the springtime! Thank you for your continued support, Sara and the Truxton Academy Team