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Update from our Head of School - November 20, 2020

Sara Petit-McClure

Hello Families and Supporters,

Happy Friday! We had a lot of fun this week with School Spirit Week and the fun continues into Monday and Tuesday of next week. This week we showed our spirit with Farmer Day, Crazy Hair Day, Pajama Day, and Favorite Sports Team or Musician Day. Next week, Monday will be Crazy Sock Day and Tuesday will be Truxton Owls School Colors (Blue and Green) Day. Check out the pictures on our facebook page! Thank you to all of our families for attending parent teacher conferences this week. It is always such a joy for us to get to share information with parents and it makes us stronger as a team. Our students also started their next At-Home Wednesday Project this week. Students in the Kindergarten and First Grade classes will be studying animal habitats, building off their learning about beavers from our beaver dam walking field lesson. The Second and Third Grade students will be learning about Fire Safety and creating a fire safety plan with their family as a part of their project. Winter Weather Information: As we move toward colder weather and snow, there may be days where snow makes it dangerous to travel to school. Since our school falls within the boundaries of the Homer School District, we will close our building if the Homer Schools Close their building. There may be times when conditions in Truxton require us to close the building even if Homer does not close. When our building is closed, it will be announced on Spectrum school closings. If you live in a school district that is closed and we are not, transportation will not be provided by your school district of residence. If you are able to safely transport your child to school, we ask that you do so. If conditions make it so that it is not safe for you to transport your child, this will count as an excused absence. Please always err on the side of safety. Alternatively, if this happens, you can contact your child's teacher to get information for them to attend virtually that day and still be counted as present. Students will continue to go outside for recess and learning times in the winter weather, please reach out if you need help getting appropriate winter gear for your child. Holiday Food and Gift Baskets from the local Truxton church: The local East Homer- Truxton UNited Methodist Church is putting together food baskets and gifts for families who might have a happier holiday season with this help. They would love to help out families from our school. If it would help your family to receive one of these baskets, please let Leaf or Sara know by sending us an email and we will connect you with the Pastor Kim from the church. We are grateful for their support of our families. Ways to Help Our School Amazon Amazon Smile is a division of amazon that donates a portion of sales from many items to a variety of charities and nonprofits. Truxton Academy is one of those nonprofits. If you are purchasing items from amazon, please go to and choose Truxton Academy as your charity of choice. Purchases you are making anyway will benefit our school. Additionally, our teachers have put together a wishlist for items from amazon that would be helpful in the classrooms and school. If you would like to help our school by purchasing items on this list, please first log into amazon smile and choose Truxton Academy as your charity of choice. Then click the following link from this email to see the items on the wish list: Thank you to those of you who have already purchased items for our school. We appreciate your generosity! Upcoming Dates: 11/23- 11/24- School Spirit Week Part 2 11/25- 11/27- Thanksgiving Holiday: No School Updates from the classrooms: Mrs. Francis' Class This week in Kindergarten the students finished their "How to" Books and shared them with their class. The kiddos taught each other about many different topics, such as soccer, football, fishing, Christmas, Holidays, Cat Care, and Butterflies. Prior to presenting their books, the students served as editor for their partners. They did a great job of practicing our November character trait of encouragement and kindness during editing and while listening to others share their books. Nice work, Kindergarteners! We also started reading favorite childhood stories this week and we are using these familiar stories to practice making our words match the words in the story and making our voices sound like the characters' voices. In science we have started our new unit on animal habitats and have begun to explore the different habitats found on our planet. We will learn about characteristics of each habitat and what animals call each habitat home. In math we are finishing up our unit on describing attributes, sorting manipulatives, and sorting people based on different attributes. Thanks for another great week of learning! Ms. Jess' Class This week in K/1 we welcomed our virtual students into our classroom on the smartboard! They join us for Morning Meeting and Phonics. We are working with word families such as -at and -op and are finding many rhyming words in our reading. In writing we are making "How To" books. If you were wondering how to cook a turkey for Thanksgiving be on the lookout for your child's "How To Cook A Turkey" book! In math we are building numbers up to 20, learning different strategies to add on and practicing counting to 100! We learned a new math game called "One or Two More." In science we started our unit on Animal Habitats and are asking brilliant questions like "What do animals eat in the desert?" and "Why do owls fly?" Even in the winter weather we got outside to learn a new dance from our friends, the Second Graders! Thank you Second Graders! We are quickly filling up our Kindness Tree with all our acts of kindness! Your children are awesome! Ms. Smith's Class This week we finished our "H Brothers" which help us remember the different sounds the digraphs make, and presented our three-page stories to the class! Our entire class did a great job being supportive friends and active listeners! Today we started our reader's theater! We are reading, "The Day The Crayons Quit". Our students have all gotten their characters and today we made costumes for them! In Math we are working on how to find the missing addends using different strategies. We are using our number lines and counting with dots. In Science, our students are learning about different habitats and how animals adapt to their habitats! Ms Sol's Class This week Ms. Sol's class reviewed time and money in math as they also continue to practice addition and subtraction, skip counting, and place value. We have also begun learning about fractions. Students continue to work on reading and writing and are learning about parts of speech to help them construct more interesting sentences in writing. In Social Studies we have continued with our learning about the early civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. The students are enjoying learning a lot of information and new vocabulary! Mrs. Hull's Class This week, third graders began two new investigations. We started exploring the genre of mystery with our PBL Building a Mystery. We will read, discuss, and analyze mystery books independently and in groups with the goal of writing mystery stories to share with the school community. Third graders are also suiting up to set off to explore Mars in our Mission to Mars PBL. We began learning about the solar system and the challenges of traveling and working in space. We will each choose our own planet to study and present to the class. We will also design and build prototypes of our inventions to help humans better explore Mars. We also took some time to reflect on all the people and benefits that we are grateful for in our lives. Our door is decorated with a Thanksgiving Turkey of Gratitude. Have a great weekend and Happy Thanksgiving next week! PE In Physical Education this week we did cardio drumming! Check out the hard work this students did in their class videos! Kindergarten - K/1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - Spanish In Spanish this week K/1 has wrapped up numbers 1-10 and has begun with days of the week! 2/3 has wrapped up with colors and has begun learning the words for emotions! As a reminder, we have a public facebook page where we share many pictures of our students learning. Please check it out to see some of the wonderful work our teachers and students are doing every day! ( Feel free to share our posts to spread the word about our school! We are grateful for you and for your support of our school. Sara and the Truxton Academy Team

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