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Update from our Head of School - November 5, 2021

Hello Families and Supporters,

I hope you have all had as great of a week as we did here at school! Kid Although the weather turned cold this week, our kids all still went out for recess daily and some classes went out for PE and other learning times. Kids were enthralled with the frost and excited to see a few snowflakes in the air this week.

I got to see the kids in every class in person this week on Monday and Tuesday. These two days are when Dia de Los Muertos is celebrated in Mexico (and some other Spanish speaking countries) and Senora has been teaching cultural lessons about the way it is celebrated. This week, I read the book "Rosita y Conchita" in English to all of the students. We practiced some of the vocabulary in Spanish. If you want to hear the bok in both languages, you can watch this video with your child:

Next week, there will be no school on Thursday (Veteran's Day) or Friday (Parent Teacher Conferences). Please make note of this and verify your conference time with your child's teacher. Because of this, we will not have a weekly email next week.

Our 3rd grade class, and some others have been, or will be, learning about Veterans Day. If you want to learn some more about Veterans Day with your child(ren), you can check out these videos here:

Please note, there are age recommendations for the videos. Please look at the age recommendations and preview the videos before showing them to your child(ren).

Messages for Families

Winter Clothes:

As the weather is getting colder, please send your child to school with a coat, hat and mittens, as well as boots and snow pants as the snow comes. It is also helpful to wear layers inside the building as the temperature in our old building changes throughout the day. Your child may leave their winter gear in their locker if you wish. They will still need sneakers for PE on many days as well. If you need help getting winter gear for your child, please reach out and we will assist you in getting some warm clothes.

Community Information: Baltimore Woods in Marcellus has some great outdoor educational programs. Check out this upcoming workshop for children ages 5 and up happening tomorrow: Scholastic Book Fair Truxton Academy is proud to announce its first ever Book Fair! The week of November 15th, we will be selling books to encourage reading for our students and families and to raise money to bring more books into our classroom libraries. All Book Fair sales earn us money towards purchasing books for the school. A flyer will go home with students on Monday the 15th and students will have a chance to preview the Book Fair during the day on Tuesday the 16th. Family Night

Tuesday night, we will host a Family Night for shopping and community readers will be reading aloud their favorite books in the classrooms. If there are community members interested in shopping for books on this night, they are welcome. Books make great holiday gifts and this event helps us increase our classroom libraries. Snacks and a color-your-own-bookmark station will also be available. We will have one last chance to purchase books in person on Wednesday the 17th from 8:00 am to 11:30 am. Please sign up to help staff the book fair at this link: We will also have a website for online sales available from November 15th to the 28th. The link will be sent out when it is available. Thank you so much for your support and presence. We are looking forward to another fun community event! Upcoming Dates: 11/8- Board of Trustees Meeting- In person and via zoom: Meeting ID: 915 6714 3586 Passcode: 9ia1fw

11/11- Veterans Day- NO SCHOOL 11/12- Parent Teacher Conferences- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 11/15- 11/28: Online ordering for Scholastic Book fair is open 11/16- Book Fair Preview day 11/16- Family Book Fair Night- Time TBD 11/18- PTO Meeting 5:30 via zoom 11/24- 11/26- Thanksgiving Holiday Break- NO SCHOOL Updates from the classrooms: Ms. Elliott (K): This week our Kindergarten friends learned about the plant life cycle and how to take care of them. We used what we learned to plant our own seeds in school and will do our very best taking care of them throughout the school year. We also learned three new vocabulary words: Observe, compare and similar. Mrs. Francis (K/1): Ask you K/1 kiddo about:*Letter sounds Dd and Ff *Pointing and reading every word on the page *Stretching words to get more sounds on our writing pages *How our sense of hearing works *Playing Racing Bears Ms. Smith (1st): Ask your first graders: * About their new reading strategy of chunking 2-3 letters together to help sound out words! * About their new color emotion thermometers! * What plants need to survive! Ask them about L.A.W.N.S! * How smoke affects our environment! * What does the silent e at the end of a word do? Please remember: * To send your child in with warm clothes for when we go out to recess. We go out every day unless it is raining! Ms. Jess (2nd): Ask your Second Grader about:-playing Five in a Row Subtraction with Three Cubes, -all the new strategies they learned to figure out tricky words, -how many minutes they are reading independently at school, -their turkey in disguise, -how dairy farmers protect our environment -and how much money they earned as a class by doing chores to collect coins for our adopted classroom calf, Penny! Friendly Reminders for Second Grade! -Please pack a snack and water bottle for your child everyday. -Please pack warm clothes, coats, hats, mittens, for your child everyday. We go outside every single day unless it is downpouring or too cold. They are welcome to keep a pair of mittens and hat at school if you have extras. -If you have an extra pair of shoes that your child can wear inside the classroom to help keep our rug clean from mud and snow, please send in a pair of slippers, crocs or sneakers for your child to keep at school and wear as their indoor shoes each day. Thank you all! Our Second Grader Evie wants to share her guitar making skills with her class. Please send in any empty rectangular shaped tissue boxes for her project. Thank you! Ms. Madysen (3rd): Ask your third grader about... -retelling a story to make the old parts fit the new parts of the story, -how writers brainstorm about special people, places or occasions before zooming in on small moments for personal narratives, -how multiplication can be used to help solve division problems, -our special guests who talked to us about what a veteran is and why it is important to celebrate and recognize Veterans Day. Ms. G (4th): This week in science, the 4th graders learned an abundance of vocabulary words related to beef cattle. They also learned that beef cattle are not only raised for their meat, but they also provide valuable by-products that humans use daily. Ask your child to give you a few examples of by-products that beef cattles provide for us. Trust me, you'll definitely be surprised! ;) Señora H (Spanish): In Spanish class, we had a special visit from Mrs. Petit-McClure who read a book about Dia de Los Muertos called Rosita and Conchita. We also learned a new greeting song, "Hola Amigos" and began learning food vocabulary. Here is the login information for Log in: Truxton, Password: 12345. Mr. C (Music): In Music class we've started to prepare our songs for the holiday concert! We're looking forward to sharing our music with you next month! Mrs. Boyden (PE): This week in PE 3rd & 4th graders have been working hard at learning a new skill - Archery! Ask them some questions about it! Kindergarten, First & Second Grade have been having some fun using our muscles and coordination in manipulating the parachute (a big favorite)!

Follow Mrs. Boyden on Instagram to see photos of all the fun activities the kids are doing in PE and opportunities for activites out in the community! mrs.boyden_pe Thank you for your continued support of our school family! Have a great weekend! Sara and the Truxton Academy Team

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