Hello Families and Supporters,
What a beautiful fall day we had today to end out a week of mostly beautiful fall weather! This week, our 4th graders returned from their week of virtual learning and threw a surprise welcome for Mrs. Boyden who returned from maternity leave. We are glad to have both the 4th graders back in the building and Mrs. Boyden back in the gym and makerspace.
Classes have been going outside in this beautiful weather and unfortunately, we have had quite a few students find ticks. We ask students to do tick checks when they come in, and ask that you also check your child for ticks every day when they return home as ticks are prevalent in our area. Please reach out if you would like information about how to check for ticks.
We also started having volunteers in our school and are so grateful to those who have been able to volunteer to come in. Thanks also to Mrs. Hull, Kay Reakes, and Jamie Smart who have been spearheading and organizing out volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to one of those individuals.
From the PTO: Enjoy Trinity Valley’s Annual Corn Maze and raise money for Truxton Charter Academy at the same time! Throughout the month of October you contribute to the TACS community when you use the code TRUXTON at and purchase your tickets online here: https://trinityvalleydairy.mazeplay.com/ Our next PTO meeting will be held (virtually) on Thursday, 10/21 at 5:30PM. We hope to see you there: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/3684590088?pwd=L3pGTUhvKzJ2aURzK1VjdFR2NmNkQT09 Upcoming Dates: 10/21- PTO Meeting 10/22- Professional Development Day- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 10/ 29- Book Character Parade 10:00 AM 10/ 29- Trunk Or Treat 6:00- 8:00 PM (please email Mrs. Boyden if you want to decorate a trunk to participate heather.boyden@truxtonacademy.org) Updates from the classrooms: Ms. Elliott (K): Our Kindergarten friends have done a phenomenal job learning upper and lowercase letter names, practicing how to count numbers 11-20 accurately, the similarities and differences between seasons, and spelling and recognizing their own names as well as many others. Next week we will move on to learning letter sounds and practice learning sight words. Mrs. Francis (K/1): It was a short, but busy week in K/1! The kids finished writing their teaching books and presented them to their classmates. The presenters did a great job of sharing their knowledge and the audience were amazing listeners and thoughtful question askers! We picked new books for our book bags and learned the sounds the letters p, i, and n make. In math, we practiced solving math problems using manipulatives, counted up to 15 to show 1:1 correspondence, and compared numbers with a partner to see which was more. We took a closer look at different types of leaves and compared them based on color, size, shape, and edge type. Lastly, we learned about persistence and that it is important to keep trying especially when something is hard because that is how we learn! Always keep learning, kiddos Ms. Smith (1st): Ask your first graders about:*the sound the short vowel "i" makes and the trick we learned on how to remember it! *what are the different tastes that our mouth can taste? *how does taste protect us from danger? *what is one strategy that they can use to solve tricky words? *what operation do we use when we have more and less? *what does the word fewer mean? Ms. Jess (2nd): Ask your Second Grader about -Penny, our adopted class calf, -playing the math game Five in a Row with Four Cards, -doing a "Stop and Jot" while they are reading, -how they know milk products are made safely and what pasteurization is. Ms. Madysen (3rd): Ask your third grader about...-our virtual field trip to Lucky 13 All Natural Angus Beef Farm. -how strong readers make a movie in their mind while reading. -the three different classroom jobs your student applied for. Ms. G/ Mr. Daniel (4th): 4th Grade got to spend their first week with their new teacher Ms. G!!! Some changes were made in the classroom and the students were informed about others that will be taking place. They wrote letters to Ms. G about some of the future changes and what they thought about them. We also finished our MAP testing and are looking forward to a fresh start with our new teacher and a new stage in their learning. Señora H (Spanish): In Spanish we learned about the weather, el tiempo, and learned a new song about the weather. In 3rd and 4th grades we are learning to count to 100, cien! Mr. C (Music): In 2,3,4 we are making final preparations to record our new school song next week. :) Mrs. Boyden (PE): This week in PE we learned and practiced the new rules and routines with Mrs. Boyden and played some fun games! Thank you for your continued support of our school family! Have a great weekend! - Sara and the Truxton Academy Team