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Update from our Head of School - September 30, 2022


Dear Students and Families,

Today, I'd like to share that every Friday we have a whole school morning meeting. Each month we have a character trait to talk about on Friday's and on the final Friday of the month, teachers select a student who has best exhibited that trait to be the Student of the Month. In addition, as of October, teachers will also be selecting a Most Improved Student within an academic area. We are expanding this program to include families starting in October. If your student is getting an award starting in October, you will be invited to the award ceremony and later, you will be invited to a breakfast. We are also designing a Student of the Month (SOM) and Most Improved Student (MIS) bulletin board to display the children's photos with their certificates for the entire month.

September Student's of the Month

Breakfast will be 10/21/22 at 9am in the cafeteria with no more than 2 family members

Kindergarten-Henry Carr

1st Grade- River Zimmerman

2nd Grade-Brea Towers and Levi Barron

3rd Grade-Jessa Harrington

4th Grade-Hazel Morris

5th Grade-Michaela DeLee

PE-Grayson Daley and Lennox Eastman

Rural Life Lab-Aria Haedicke

Spanish-Brynnlee Gunn


Upcoming Dates

10/3 PE Field Lesson grades 2,3 and 5

10/3 4th and 5th grade health lessons

10/3 Coffee with Kerryanne 5:30-6:30 in the cafeteria

10/3 Board of Trustees meeting 7pm in the cafeteria

10/4 PE Field Lesson grades K, 1 and 4

10/4 5th grade health lessons


10/10 INDIGINOUS PEOPLES DAY-NO SCHOOL-students or staff

Updates for the Classrooms:


This week in Kindergarten we:

*Developed strategies for accurately counting and keeping track of quantities up to 12

*Blended syllables and sounds to form words by playing a game similar to duck duck goose

*Learned 5 important safety rules when we are with or without trusted adults

*Visited the library and read a few amazing stories with Ms. Jaime

*Went on an awesome nature walk and learned cool facts about different trees with Ms. Jaime

*Met Mrs. Schenck's son, Mr.Ben, and had a blast working with him and showing him what we do here in kindergarten :)

Second Grade

Ask your Second Grader about...

-Johnny Appleseed day,

-what they learned about Johnny Appleseed,

-the names and values of the penny, nickel, dime and quarter,

-telling time to the hour and half hour,

-using their number line to create addition and subtraction sentences,

-words that end in double consonants like mess, hill, cliff and buzz,

-using their “snap words” to read in bigger scoops to become more fluent readers,

-doing a stop, think, retell while they’re reading to check for comprehension,

-their hydroponic grow tower and planting strawberry runners in rock wool,

-harvesting milkweed seeds to help save the monarch butterflies,

-how they will take care of our classroom environment and our outdoor school environment,

-and how they showed responsibility this month!

Third Grade

Ask your Third Grader about:

*the rule for words that have the /ng/ sound in them

*how they use voice in their narrative writing pieces

*what to do when they run out of gas in Writers' Workshop

*solving multiplication story problems using a picture, skip counting, and a multiplication equation

*who Stone Fox is and how Little Willy is going to save the potato farm

*how rabbit ears and human ears are the same and different

*what is happening on the outside AND the inside of their sprouting seeds

*how to use a pan balance

***how they can show the character trait of the month (responsibility) and take charge of remembering their green folders EVERY day

Fourth Grade

Ask your fourth grader about:

-Multiplication arrays, garden arrays and multiplication comparison word problems

-non-fiction story, Monkey Trouble by Maureen Ash

-Spelling words and their spelling test on Friday

-Landforms and geography of New York State

-The building blocks of life; Cells!

Fifth Grade

Ask your 5th Grader about...

- Factors, products, and multiples.

- Our rules about gum.

- Segmenting out spelling words by sound (phoneme) as a tool to help you remember the spelling patters.

- Fiction vs. Nonfiction

- The difference between Real vs. "Un"real (fake) reading during independent reading times

- These vocabulary words from our class book, Upside Down Magic: wonky, flare, disapprove, rigid, manipulate, scrabbled, and earnest.

- The difference between a marked and unmarked array, and how they can be used to find the different factors of composite numbers

- The different ways a mixture can be separated, and a special type of mixture: a solution.

- Our finalized classroom agreement.

Our 5th Grade Class Agreement. So that everyone in class can feel safe and focus their attention on learning, I agree to the following: 1) Follow directions the first time given 2) Only interrupt if absolutely necessary 3) Show what you know 4) Take care of our space 5) Encourage and appreciate new learning 6) Be a friend to yourself and all classmates. Show kindness, respect, empathy, and include everyone. 7) Own up to your mistakes when you make them and try to make things right if you hurt someone.

Rural Life Lab

*We're going outside when it's soggy, so please send rain boots with your kiddos!

This week:

Kindergarten explored the nature trail behind the school

1st grade continued to search for all the lost garden potatoes

2nd grade started their hydroponic strawberry project

3rd grade worked well in groups on school improvements in the garden, pheasant pen, and starting nature looms

4th grade had a visit from their adopted chicks, which allowed them to observe differences between meat and egg producing breeds.

5th grade began working on their My Farm projects


In Spanish we read a story about a family of gingerbread cookies and played Simon Dice or Simon Says to review parts of the body and actions. Here is a video that teaches vocabulary about family members. The children really like it.:

Note from the Office:

Please use email to communicate with the office for anything to do with attendance, dismissal changes, meals, or nursing needs so we can best partner with you and your child.

Ski Club

Looking for those interested in the winter ski club. It is a 4-week program where 3rd and older can learn or better their ski/snowboard skills. We are looking at doing Tuesdays. Weekends could be a possibility but this cost more. The lessons and passes for students are $139 and $169 for adults. The season passes run $399 k-12 and adult is $569. These passes are good the entire season as well. They do offer additional meal plans and rentals if needed. I will send an informational brochure and signup forms to any interested. The program is 6 weeks long meaning we will be there for 6 weeks. The lessons run for 4 weeks and start the first week of January. If you purchase meal plans and rentals these run for 6 weeks.

I need a headcount so please let me know by next week and would love to see you on the slopes. Parents, it looks like they also offer a program for you as well. Anyone chaperones who would like to join are welcome as well.

Tom Brown


Have a terrific weekend! Stay safe and stay healthy!

~Mrs. S.

"Don't be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams."-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kerryanne Schenck Head of School Truxton Academy Charter School

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