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Sara Petit-McClure

Update from our Head of School - January 31, 2020

Updated: Apr 8, 2020

Week ending January 31st

January sure flew by fast!  What a great last week of January we had.  Our students continued in Guided Genius Hour this week.  A few students reported to me that this is their favorite time of the week!  Report Cards should be coming with all students today.

Our kindergarten friends in Mrs. Francis' class have been learning about wood and even made particle board this week.  One friend explained how particle board is made, "Resin is the glue. It has sawdust and shavings. You use heat and it stays together."

In Mr. D'Antonio's class, students have been working on measurement in math.  They went inside and outside the school measuring various objects this week. Check out facebook this weekend for pictures of a special measuring activity they did today.

Mrs. Hull's 2nd grade class is now learning 2-digit addition with regrouping and many students are starting to read chapter books.  Way to go 2nd grade learners!

Open House information for the 2020-2021 School Year

Our first Open House for families interested in our school will be held on February 26th from 5:00- 7:30 PM.  Please share this information with families you know who may be interested. We will have openings in grade levels K- 3 for next year.  We would love some current family members to attend and informally answer questions of interested families. If you are interested in doing this, please email Sara at

Conscious Discipline Quote of the Week

This year, we have begun our Conscious Discipline journey as a school family.  That school family includes all of you as well. I will begin sharing a quote from Conscious Discipline weekly so that we can all continue to learn on this journey together.  We have two family books written by Dr. Becky Bailey if families want to check them out and borrow them. This week's quote is from one of those books:

Remind yourself at least five times per day, "What I focus on, I get more of." Remind yourself of this when you wake up, as meals, at bedtime, and whenever you are upset.

Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline, p. 35

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